Tuesday, July 30, 2013


UGH I have no pictures for this post...just a continued rude awakening for myself.  so I weighed myself this morning on my Wii Fit and what an ugly number I have gained 7.5 pds since the last time I weighed myself putting me at a hefty 268.  I had no idea I was not progessing in losing weight.  a wow moment for me. 

so I am starting over, I had a friend drop off a bottle of Skinny Fiber to me yesterday.  I don't know much about it, but it is safe to take with my current meds, so I may give it a shot. She assures me it is all natural etc etc . She got it as a free bottle with a purchase she made.  And while I don't excpect this pill to be a real answer, I thought I would try it while I continue to read my bible studies and work on changing how I look at food.  What if it works as a jump start and keeps me motivated.....idk we will see.

so I have to be realistic and be honest and say that I really need to just drink water and stay away from beverages with calories, so it is time to be creative and find fruity ways to flavor water.  other than that I have to study study study because I have got to make some changes.  if I gain 10 more pds I will have gained back all the weight I lost almost 3 years ago after my daughter was born.  ugh I am so unhappy with myself.  I struggle making changes when there is no one to walk through it with me, but I have to put on my big girl panties, get over myself and get to overhaulin my heart.  pray for me Please pray very hard this is a huge battle for me.  Oh and I go today for my second opinion about a medical issue today that may have a strong possibility of carrying surgery with it.  the Lords will be done at this point.  I want to surrender. 


  1. MJ I have read all of your blog posts. You are like a lightening bolt in a thunderstorm! Anyway, please consider only adjusting one habit at a time for a month (flylady). As far as health goes - you do not need a bunch of supplements..just watch the sodium, consider flax seed, psyllium or lemon. Good luck on your journey!

  2. Thanks Shelley, it is good to have an outside view...I just wish i knew which one to choose...I feel pressure from myself I guess to get it all right at once :/ I will try to be more focused....thanks!!!

  3. Weight loss is such a battle, my heart goes out to you! Sometimes I enjoy cucumber water. Peel and thinly slice half a cucumber and add to half a gallon of water. Chill and serve. This looks so pretty in a glass pitcher and I have served it many times to company when my budget has been tight.

  4. thank you Alison for the tip. I will have to try that. I have never had cucumber water.
